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Thai Language
Whether the Thai language is difficult or easy to learn is hard to say, and there are probably many opinions about that topic, but people with "language-ear" it should not be that difficult to learn to do well in Thai after a little in-depth studies of language composition.

It is so that the Thai language has quite strict rules with regards to grammar, as many sentences in European languages, translated into Thai, will be handled with far fewer words in Thai.

The hardest thing about the thai language is probably the "tonalities” which means that it, in principle (for not trained ears) it might sound like the same or similar words actually mean many different things depending on how the pressure down.

Keep the focus on the tonality
We talk about that there are 5 keys which are distributed as follows: medium, high, low, rising and falling tone, and if you're not careful, you can easily get to say something completely different than what you had originally imagined.

Remember, however, that smiles and laughter is a very common part of the Thai way of way of communicating, so you come to grief so that together you are guaranteed with a smile or a laugh, and you have no reason to be embarrassed :-)

Thais do really like if you as a tourist in the country is trying you with the Thai language and learn the most common words and phrases.

On this page you can see some of the most used words and expressions, which you can usefully try to learn before the journey goes to Thailand.
Common words
While English is widely spoken in major cities and tourist areas, learning a few Thai words and expressions can go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable and memorable. Here are some of the most commonly used Thai words and expressions that a tourist could use:

Sawadee (sa-wa-dee): This is the Thai greeting that is equivalent to "hello" in English. You can use it any time of the day.

Khop Khun (kop-koon): This means "thank you" in Thai. You can say it after someone helps you or provides you with a service.

Mai Pen Rai (mai pen rai): This is a common Thai phrase that means "never mind" or "no problem". It is often used in response to an apology.

Sabai Sabai (sa-bai sa-bai): This phrase means "relax" or "take it easy". It is often used to describe a laid-back attitude or a peaceful state of mind.

Aroy (a-roy): This means "delicious" in Thai. You can use it to compliment the food or drinks you are consuming.

Bai (bai): This means "go" in Thai. You can use it when giving directions to a taxi driver or asking for directions.

Chan (chun): This is the Thai word for "I". You can use it when introducing yourself or talking about yourself.

Kao Jai (kao-jai): This means "understand" in Thai. You can use it to ask if someone understands what you are saying.

Narak (na-rak): This means "cute" in Thai. You can use it to describe someone or something that is adorable.

Chai (chai): This means "yes" in Thai. You can use it to answer a question or confirm something.

Learning these basic Thai words and expressions can help you navigate through the country with ease and make a positive impression on the locals. While speaking the language fluently may be challenging, making an effort to learn a few words can show that you respect the culture and appreciate your surroundings.
Learning how to count in Thai
It can be a useful and interesting skill to acquire for travelers and language enthusiasts alike. Thai language, also known as Siamese, is the official language of Thailand, and it uses a unique numerical system that may be different from what most people are accustomed to. Here is a beginner's guide on how to count in Thai.

First, let's start with the basics. The numbers in Thai are written using the Thai script, which is a complex alphabet with 44 consonants and 15 vowel symbols.

However, the Arabic numerals are also widely used in Thailand, so it is not necessary to learn the Thai script to count in Thai.

Here are the Thai numbers from 1 to 10:

1 - neung
2 - song
3 - sam
4 - see
5 - haa
6 - hok
7 - jet
8 - paet
9 - kao
10 - sip

To count beyond ten, you simply add the number after the word "sip" to indicate the tens, and then add the ones digit after that. For example, to say 11, you would say "sip et" (10 + 1). To say 24, you would say "yi sip see" (2 x 10 + 4).

Here are some additional examples:

20 - yi sip
30 - sam sip
40 - see sip
50 - haa sip
60 - hok sip
70 - jet sip
80 - paet sip
90 - kao sip
100 - neung roi

It's important to note that the Thai numerical system is based on powers of 10, as opposed to the Western system, which is based on powers of 1000. So, 1,000 is "nuen phan," and 1 million is "nuen lan."

In addition to these basic numbers, there are some other Thai phrases that can be useful to know when counting. For example, "a-ni-ti" means "this many," and "mae-nong" means "still more."

While learning how to count in Thai may seem daunting at first, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Practicing these numbers with a native speaker or language tutor can help you improve your pronunciation and build your confidence in using the language.

With a little practice, you can soon be counting like a pro in Thai!
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